Morton’s Neuroma Causes Pain in the Ball of Your Foot


Morton’s neuroma is a nerve condition that is frequently described as feeling like you have a pebble in your shoe under the ball of your foot. But, this is actually a nerve condition that forms between the metatarsal bones and usually happens between the third and fourth toes.

A neuroma that occurs anywhere on the body is characterized by a thickening of the tissue that surrounds a nerve, but in the case of Morton’s it happens to be a nerve in the toes. Generally, when peripheral nerves become injured or compressed from stress and pressure it causes numbness and a burning and tingling sensation. With the added pressure of your weight on the foot, the condition can cause much more severe pain and discomfort, often requiring the help of your trusted foot care professional.

Conservative treatments for Morton’s neuroma include the following:

  • Wear shoes with a large toe box and a lower heel cup—Your shoes need to have more toe room and a lower heel cup to decrease the pressure on the nerve.

  • Custom made orthotic shoe insertsMisalignment of the foot due to improper arch support and other issues is a major cause of many foot, ankle, knee, hip, and back problems including the nerve pinching that causes Morton’s. Orthotic shoe inserts can correct many of these problems without the need for surgery.

  • Steroid injections—These drugs can decrease inflammation and reduce nerve compression but may have side effects.

For expert advice on Morton’s neuroma treatment, consult with your foot doctor. At Fit Feet for Life, our team of board-certified podiatrists have access to advanced technologies and years of experience to help diagnose and treat a variety of foot and ankle problems, including heel pain, sports injuries, toe deformities, nail fungus, and plantar warts.  Bonnie Sanchez, DPM, Gregory Cook, DPM, and Huy L. Nguyen, DPM provide high quality foot and ankle care to patients in the Tampa/St. Petersburg area at our five offices conveniently located in Sun City Center, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, and our two Tampa locations. Please contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment.